Well well well, look what the shoggoth dragged in.

Dolmenwood Random Encounters

Dolmenwood has a great variety of random encounters, determined by whether it’s daytime or nighttime, by the party’s travelling or camping situation, and by the region of Dolmenwood they’re in. On top of that, all the new Dolmenwood monsters have tables of suggested encounters, lairs, treasure hauls, and even individual twists. And on top of all that, intelligent monsters will have names too.

That’s potentially a lot of rolling and improvisation to do at the table for a single encounter. So when I was running my Dolmenwood campaign last year, I found that I would often just pick the simplest options. But that meant I was missing out on potentially cool encounters.

To fix that, I pre-rolled a bunch of random encounters, came up with all those little details, and then just picked the next one off the appropriate list in sessions.

Here are those lists. Some of them are more inspired than others, but even the mundane ones are a starting point.

I rolled all these up using the Patreon draft material, which is why it has book references to OSE. I know the random encounter and treasure tables have changed a little with the Kickstarter material, and everything should be in the Dolmenwood books now.

Generic Encounters


  1. 2 Insect Swarm (OSE) which the party just stumble into.

  2. 2 Bear, Black (OSE) digging up some roots. Prefers to warily watch the PCs and wander off if approached, than to attack.

  3. 8 False Unicorn (DCB) nibbling on the grass, two males keeping watch.

  4. 16 Red Deer (DCB) drinking from a stream, three males keeping watch.

  5. 3 Swamp Sloth (DCB) creeping through the tree-tops. One loses its grasp and lands on the party.

  6. 10 Yegril (DCB) licking moss from a tree.


  1. 9 Boggin (DMB) emerging from a pool to chase an escaping slave (Normal Human–Lost Soul (DMB)) (naked and clad only in disgusting pondweed). The lead Boggin has a necklace of human bones, crawling with worms and tadpoles. All smell terrible.

    The pool connects to a large underwater cavern with 3 Boggin (DMB) and 4 Normal Human–Lost Soul(DMB).

    Escaped Slave:

    • Egthil Harper

    Trapped Slaves:

    • Dimothy Lank
    • Clement Wolder
    • Jappser Dunwallow
    • Jymes Dogoode

    Treasure (in cavern):

    • 3 jars of amphibious vomit
    • 500gp worth of ores and clay
  2. 5 Robber Fly (OSE) buzzing around their hive, which contains more of them.

  3. 3 Toad, Giant–Chameleon (OSE) lying still and quiet and disguised for prey.

  4. 1 Kelpie (DMB) in human form (a beautiful woman who smells overpoweringly of raw fish) leading a grizzled hunter (level 2 Hunter (DPB)) and a young lad (Normal Human–Lost Soul (DMB)) (both charmed) to a nearby pool. The hunter’s catch (a bundle of furs and a brace of pheasants) lie carelessly discarded nearby.

    The woman is visibly annoyed by the arrival of others, doesn’t have a fake name prepared, and tries to extract herself from the situation ASAP.


    • Theglid Dunwallow (hunter)
    • Breglor Dunwallow
  5. An adventuring party.

  6. 12 Madtom (DMB) goggle-eyed, hypnotised by a Wyrm–Pheglm which is directing them to dig up a nearby standing stone that has a “vexatious aura”. The stone is actually an old waystone erected by the Church which casts Cure Light Wounds once per journey on all who sleep beside it.

    Forgotten, nearby, is a wooden cage with a panicked human child (Normal Human–Lost Soul (DMB)) inside.


    • Niendrantu (triple-forked, yellow tongue)

    Captured Child:

    • Gertwinne Harper


  1. 2 Friar (DMB) staggering drunkenly along, supporting each other’s weight, singing a rousing hymn (off-tune).


    • Blake (irreverently tossing his prayer book up in the air and catching it)
    • Josprey
  2. 14 Acolyte (OSE) of the Order of St. Faxis, leading a chained young woman they claim to be a witch who is to be put to the question. The woman is accused of using magical herbs to dull men’s wits and lead them into temptation. In reality, she is a victim of jealous wives and lying husbands, she knows nothing about witches or witchcraft.

    Lead Acolyte:

    • Elijio


    • Beatrice Addercapper
  3. 2 Drune–Cottager (DMB) in battle with a Noble–Knight (OSE) and 5 Veteran–OSE in the service of the Duke. The Drune were charged with kidnapping locals for use in dark rituals, and are trying to escape.


    • Malrubius
    • Mordoch


    • Landyn Peyton
    • Wymond
    • Brock
    • Holden
    • Breyir
    • Clewyd
  4. 7 Noble (OSE) a minor noble from outside the duchy and his family, here as tourists with 7 servants (Normal Human (DMB)). An adventuring party serve as their guards. The nobles are from a much more settled and safe part of the kingdom, and dismiss all mention of danger in the woods as just local superstition: surely the Duke wouldn’t tolerate such disorganisation, would he?

    Lord and Lady:

    • Baron Nicobulus Maro
    • Lady Livia Maro

    Head Servants:

    • Abelus Sebastius
    • Octavia Celsus
  5. 1 Normal Human–Pedlar (DMB) fleeing from 7 Ghoul (OSE) who he disturbed while foraging for herbal trade goods.

    Fleeing Pedlar:

    • Mannog Lank

    Trade goods:

    • 10x Lankswith
    • 5x Wayfarrow
  6. 7 Noble–Knight (OSE) delivering a letter of vital importance between the Duke and local noble (the next move in their correspondence chess game).


    • Hilda Malksmilk


  1. 1 Headless Rider (DMB)—on a pale emaciated horse with decomposing flesh—motionless, at the centre of the track, challenging any who approach to single combat. If bested, he will allow all the companions of the victor to pass. If slain, he has no choice.

  2. 6 Treant (OSE) listening patiently to a Drune–Cottager (DMB) who is enquiring about the true name of Gheillough. There is a well-used campsite nearby, indicating the Drune has been at this for some time.

    The campsite is encased in a shell of brambles. Inside is 21 days iron rations, camping gear (tent, bedroll, tinderbox, etc), and three pages of densely-written gibberish (a portion of Gheillough’s true name).


    • Mirroddor Doome
  3. 8 Treant (OSE) engaged in a long debate over what to do about the Nag-Lord. The discussion has been going on for some years now, and they have just about agreed that the Nag-Lord exists and is bad.

  4. 15 Zombie (OSE) in battle with a party of frost elves. 3 Elf–Courtier (DMB) (of The Cold Prince), accompanied by 4 Elf–Knight (DMB) and 6 Elf–Wanderer (DMB) (as servitors). The Courtiers watch lazily from their mounts as the Knights deal with the zombies.

    The elves have gifts of magic items for Lord Malbleat, to entice him to topple a Summerstone, but they’ll promise rewards to any who will assist or who can provide information on the stones, ley lines, or Drune.


    • Frozen-in-Lace (fairy horse)
    • Blood-on-the-Lip (fairy horse)
    • Ice-Cap-and-Fox-Gown (fairy horse)


    • Howling-Wind’s-Walz (dire wolf)
    • Bitter-Duck-Hallow (dire wolf)
    • Splendour-of-Morrow (dire wolf)
    • Heart-of-Ice (dire wolf)


    • Flurry-and-Fleet
    • Thaw-Never-Comes
    • Sunbeam’s-Last-Breath
    • Hearth’s-Bitter-Gloaming
    • Blackened-and-Bitter
    • Frosted-and-Flawless

    Treasure (that they’re willing to trade):

    • 100ep
    • Wand of Cold (12 charges)
    • Ring of Protection
    • Periapt of Health

    Treasure (that they have to be killed for):

    • 50pp
    • 250gp
    • 400ep
    • Crystal Ball
    • 5 Ioun Stones (pale blue romboid, incandescent blue sphere, pale lavender ellipsoid, 2x dull grey ellipsoid)
  5. 1 Wyrm–Black Bile (DMB)—reeking of sulphur—crashing through the forest in a blood rage, levelling small trees. The wyrm has ravaged a cluster of woodland huts occupied by a small group who live off the land away from civilisation but not truly in the wood, and now pursues three survivors.


    • Quindorioth


    • Lyndon Thorn
    • Hodrid Addercapper
    • Gwendolyne Candleswick
  6. 2 Snail, Giant–Rapacious (OSE) trapped within a 40’ cube of magical energy, slithering up and down the sides (touching the force-cube from the outside dispels it). One snail is translucent, hard to see through the shimmering force-cube; but its trail can be seen. The other has multiple rows of snapping teeth with a paralysing bite.


  1. 11 Redcap (DMB)—wearing deerstalkers—stringing 5 Normal Human (DMB) (unconscious) up in a tree, naked, after having stripped them of their clothing and valuables.

    Hapless Victims:

    • Grinwit Logueweaver
    • Breagan Logueweaver
    • Canhoreal Lank
    • Rogbert Fraggleton
    • Shank Smith


    • Peasant clothes
    • 7sp
    • 34cp
  2. 5 Talking Animal (DMB)—moles—seated on toadstools, quietly nibbling on a midday snack. They have all taken on human names. They will offer to divulge knowledge about Dolmenwood in exchange for food or shiny trinkets.


    • Bentley
    • Emmett
    • Ida
    • Alan
    • Eugenia
  3. 5 Elf–Wanderer (DMB) from Hypnagogia, realm of the Duke Who Cherishes Dreams, hiding in a briar patch pursued by a Drune–Cottager (DMB) who believes they are spies of the Cold Prince. The elfs have come to see if they can improve the dreams of the people of Meagre’s Reach.


    • Light-of-Dulled-Lantern-Flame
    • Clarity-of-Seventeen-Fathoms-Deep
    • Marry-No-Man
    • Quavering-of-Night
    • Spruce-upon-Gallows


    • Molloch
  4. 6 Deorling–Stag (DMB) in an isolated glade before a moss-coated humanoid statue with great antlers of charred wood (an idol of Howawi), attempting to rescue 3 Deorling–Doe (DMB) from the clutches of a Wyrm–Black Bile (DMB). Once the wyrm is dispatched, the surviving stags battle for the hearts of the does.


    • Shessadolth (scales covered with moss)
  5. 1 Werebear (OSE) freshly transformed back into human form after killing and eating a Red Deer (DCB). Naked, covered in blood, and tired. Refuses to explain his situation, vehemently denies that anything is wrong, and spurns any offers of help. Suspicious.


    • Josprey Abernathy
  6. 14 Redcap (DMB)—wearing berets and fezzes—furtively digging beside a large boulder, burying their ill-gotten treasure.


    • 100pp
    • 100gp
    • 2x 50gp bracelet carved with prancing longhorns.

Regional Encounters


  1. 7 Centaur–Sylvan (DMB)—bedecked in hunting tropies and ornately-decorated but battle-worn armour—feasting on the roasted flesh of four butchered adventurers while engaged in lively philosophical debate. The unfortunate adventurer’s gear is strewn across the ground.

    A surviving level 1 Hunter (DPB) secretly watches from the bushes.


    • Bastosios
    • Staelstus
    • Charonius
    • Arobus (eyes of piercing blue, tangle of black hair)
    • Marces (silver-dappled flanks)
    • Sofrandrou
    • Hyrane


    • Othesh Burl

    Adventurer’s Treasure:

    • 89gp
    • 28pp
  2. 10 Sprite–Purple (DMB)—riding rainbow-hued dragonflies—being pursued by 2 Goatfolk–Crookhorn (DMB) wielding butterfly nets.

    One Crookhorn is blind in one eye (it’s milky white and oozing). The other has a horn uncleanly snapped off.

  3. 6 Elf–Knight (DMB) of The Prince Who Is Seven. Each is dancing with an entranced Normal Human–Lost Soul (DMB) they intend to bring to their lord in Fairy. Next to them are their mounts: 5 Fairy Horse (DMB) and 1 Boar, Giant (OSE).

    The Knights don’t know what use their lord has for mortals, but they have been commanded to bring some.

    Elf Knights:

    • Hands-Adjoined-By-Magpies
    • Dream-of-Wistful-Remembrance (opalescent skin dusted with powdered crystal)
    • Prick-of-the-Nail (armour of plated ice shards)
    • Shallow-Pained-Plight (golden feathered nightingfale on shoulder)
    • Harkening-and-Awakening (violet eyes without pupils)
    • Lillies-beyond-Heart’s-Sight (amber eyes without pupils)
  4. 5 Unicorn (OSE) nibbling the grass. One of their number keeps watch.

  5. 1 Witch (DMB) leading a blindfolded young woman to a secret pool that cures “lover’s pox”.


    • Euphenia Getri (Bride of Hasturiel)


    • Ygwal Logueweaver
  6. 8 Woodgrues (DMB) smoking and completely stoned out of their minds. They will share their food, drink, and pipeleaf (Black Clover), and rumours of the nearby hexes.


    • Lubbal
    • Farklunder (chitters with excitement and mirth)
    • Farklunder (finds it hilarious that there’s another Farklunder)
    • Chuspiyip
    • Bloomfext
    • Canaghoop (frilly bonnet)
    • Palliepalm (twitchy, wobbly ears)
    • Stringdunker


  1. 2 Drune–Braithmaid (DMB)—both albinos—with their non-Drune boyfriends, fleeing a wrathful Drune–Cottager (DMB). The Braithmaids will yell to the PCs for help, hoping to use them to keep the Cottager occupied until they make their escape.

    Fleeing Couples:

    • Haelleth Canker (hand of glory) and Gruwid Harkness
    • Jhaellen Hallow (evil eye) and Melwesh Swinney

    Enraged Father:

    • Hestith Canker
  2. 1 Wyrm–Yellow Bile (DMB) laying beside a pond, discussing the whereabouts of Gheillough with a Drune–Cottager (DMB) and 7 Brambling (DMB). Both are trying to probe for what the other knows without giving away what they know. They consider eavesdropping to be very rude.


    • Voshthanma (bifurcated tail)

    Drune Cottager:

    • Celleddach Moonewer (physically wasting away, sustained by magic)
  3. 16 Bandit (OSE), looting an overturned wagon (the merchants have fled on foot down the road).

    Bandit Captain:

    • Mantaggorn the Taxman


    • 137gp
    • 500cp
    • 10x bottle Old Swythener
    • 10x bottle Prigwort Tipple
    • 20x Pedlar Puff
  4. 3 Normal Human–Lost Soul (DMB)—servants of House Harrowmoor—teleported by a ley-line discharge and now lost.

    Lost Servants:

    • Gruwid Fraggleton (gardener)
    • Dewm Addercapper (kitchen boy)
    • Gwendolyne Harper (maid)
  5. 4 Basilisk (OSE) nesting amidst a dense tangle of thorns, but will venture out in search of prey in response to noise. The first sign of the basilisks is a petrified bandit and signs of a fight.

  6. 1 Drune–Drunewife (DMB) watching over her 3 young children playing around the feet of a 5’ tall wicker man, outside a small cottage built into the grassy bank of a stream with several small boats moored. Away from home is her husband (Drune–Cottager (DMB)) with their 2 other children.


    • Hancith Loome (hair in long plaits to the waist) (defender kilnling)


    • Lolldhrimm Loome (necklace of owl skulls)

Fever Marsh

  1. 12 Shadow (OSE) keeping watch on a Gelatinous Hulk (DMB) (daytime) or trying to goad it into attacking a nearby 2 Witch Owl (DMB) lair (nighttime) in the ruins of an old church steeple. Will try to herd the characters towards the Witch Owls.

  2. 10 Madtom (DMB) in their aquatic lair beneath an elabourate curving dam of twigs and wickerwork. The nearby land conceals 3 foot-sized pits with downward-slanted barbs: the Madtoms will emerge and attack anyone caught, trying to take them to their air-filled dungeons.


    • 2x 10gp gem (quartz)
    • 2x 50gp gem (ruby)
    • 2x 100gp gem (agate)
    • 6x 500gp gem (onyx)
    • 4000gp assorted jewellery (rings, pendants, bracelets, necklaces, etc)
  3. 4 Musk Boar (DMB) leashed, guarding the vegetable gardens of an 8’ tall Scarecrow (DMB) who lives in a thatched cottage and spends its days carving root vegetables into the likenesses of every mortal in Dolmenwood. The scarecrow will gift the PCs with their vegetables.

    The scarecrow is outside also, angrily driving off a Gloam (DMB) in flock-form intent on stealing the scarecrow’s straw stuffing.


    • Palanquin (chuckles a lot; head is an apple, totally disproportionate with the body)
  4. 1 Wyrm–Phlegm (DMB)—which loves riddles and will reward those who entertain it with minor magical items—lairing in a murky pond beside a ruined mill (which stores its hoard). It is tearing a band of 12 bandits (Veteran (OSE)) apart for failing to solve a simple puzzle.


    • Ximmerian

    Items it’ll give out for providing entertainment:

    • Bottled Light (fairy trade good)
    • Frozen Birdsong (fairy trade good)
    • Hag Stone (Braithmaid talisman)
    • Evil Eye (Braithmaid talisman)
    • Moss Dwarf Yeast (10 portions, as Yeast Master Ferment)


    • “I have towns without people, forests without trees, and rivers without water. Man is my father. What am I?” a map
    • “What has a golden head and a golden tail, but no body?” a coin
    • “What does man love more than life; fear more than death, or mortal strife; what the poor have, the rich require, and what contented men desire; what misers spend, and spendthrifts save, and all men carry to the grave?” nothing
    • “What always runs, but never walks; often murmurs, but never talks; has a bed, but never sleeps; and an open mouth, that never eats?” a river
    • “What is alive without breath; as old as death; clad in mail, never clinking; never thirsty, ever drinking?” a fish
    • “What falls, but does not break; and what breaks but does not fall?” night and day
    • “I am rarely touched, but often held; if you have wit, you’ll use me well.” a tongue
    • “The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?” darkness
    • “I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of every end, the the end of every place. What am I?” the letter ‘e’
    • “What is so fragile that even speaking its name will break it?” silence
  5. 7 Marsh Lantern (DMB)—emitting a lurid ultraviolet radiance—in a wide waterlogged ditch into which the graves of a long-abandoned cemetery have slumped.

    Rotted bloated corpses of drowning victims, rusted equipment, and glinting coins fill the bottom of the ditch.


    • 1000gp
  6. 10 Bog Salamander (DMB)—with rows of blisters along its back filled with scarlet jelly—dragging a drooling near-dead Mould Oracle (DMB) to its lair: a nearby muddy depression in an area of boggy ground, lined with ferns, marsh grasses, and fresh green-and-yellow striped moss.

    The Mould Oracle is on a vision quest and thinks the PCs are beneficent spirits.

    Mould Oracle:

    • Dombo

    Treasure (in lair):

    • Golden brooch set with an agate (900gp)
    • 4000sp
    • 6 portions of Frondle

Hag’s Addle

  1. 2 Troll (DMB) dragging three bodies (a merchant and his guards) through the undergrowth back to their lair (a rickety old bridge spanning a stream, underneath which hangs a collection of mossy corpses). One of the bodies groans and twitches weakly. Panicked horses lie close to the road, maimed and bleeding. The trolls leave a trail of mossy footprints behind them.

    Survivor, guard:

    • Samwise Swinney


    • 2000ep
    • 6x Mind-Moss
  2. 1 Banshee (DMB)—with spectral skin wreathed with frost and patched with moss—hovering above a peat bog outside a lonely crumbling tower, conversing in whispers with a Gloam (DMB) in flock form (bringing word of mortal souls for the banshee to slay and the gloam to collect the bones of). In the tower also dwell 3 Spider, Giant–Black Widow (OSE).


    • Frost-Dust-Shadow


    • 1000gp
    • 2000sp
    • Necklace of fairy-silver (600gp)
  3. 6 Wraith (OSE) imprisoned in a magic circle by 3 Drune–Cottager (DMB) (all wearing crowns of antlers), who are binding the Wraiths to their will as spies to seek out the disturbance on Ywyr.


    • Mordoch Doome
    • Brackborne Wicker
    • Oglimoth Bonewart
  4. 7 Boggin (DMB) fighting a Lycanthrope–Werebear (OSE). All are wounded, but the Werebear is badly losing. The Werebear cannot speak in that form, but will beckon over the PCs.


    • Maydrid Swinney
  5. 2 Boggin (DMB) sneaking through a bed of reeds, approaching a group of 7 fishermen (Normal Human–Angler (DMB)) unaware of their danger.


    • Yirmeor Harper
    • Othesh Candleswick
    • Gruwth Dogoode
    • Arthwit Smith
    • Borrid Logueweaver
    • Dewglid Gruewater
    • Clewd Vulgamoore
  6. 3 Black Tentacle (DMB), one of them dragging a whinnying Unicorn (OSE) into a sludgy pool, tentacles wrapped tightly around the poor creature’s legs. The other two remain hidden beneath the surface, waiting to spring.

High Wold

  1. 3 Normal Human–Crier (DMB) announcing a 25% tax on the mercantile and adventuring classes.


    • Aele Snidebleat
    • Broob Longshanks
    • Shadwell Blathergripe
  2. 3 Barrowbogey (DMB) attacking a washerwoman (Normal Human (DMB)) beside a small stream, trying to steal her cauldron. The woman fights back with a broom. One of the bogeys wears small pots on its feet and hands, in addition to the head-pot.


    • Lindor Tolmen
  3. 25 Goatfolk–Shorthorn (DMB) of Lord Malbleat, spying on a Goatfolk–Longhorn (DMB) of Lord Ramius who is negotiating with 2 Elf–Knight (DMB) of the Cold Prince. The Cold Prince wishes to convince Lord Ramius to topple a Summerstone and frame Lord Malbleat for it. Lord Ramius wants to know what the Cold Prince gets out of this.

    Shorthorn Leader:

    • Shadgore Blathergripe


    • Grewigg Underbuck


    • Cold-Stroke-of-Midnight
    • Churned-and-Curdled
  4. 1 Devil Goat (DMB)—with an ear tag bearing the coat-of-arms of a longhorn noble—solemnly circling a lonely gravestone in a long-abandoned graveyard.

  5. 9 Goatfolk–Longhorn (DMB) in battle with 4 Ghoul (OSE) which have emerged from the nearby woods. Following the ghouls’ tracks back leads to some disturbed barrows with the 0810 treasure inside (since I forgot about that treasure when the players explored 0810).

    The barrows are the lair of 30 Barrowbogey (DMB).


    • Maybel Snicklebock

    Treasure (in barrows):

    • See hex 0810
  6. 22 Bandit (OSE) in what is clearly a long-term camp, their leader planning a mission against Lord Ramius / Malbleat on behalf of Malbleat / Ramius (depending on where they are).

    Bandit Leader:

    • Blocke Fraggleton (level 2)


    • 4000cp
    • 5000sp
    • 1000pp


  1. 2 Gelatinous Hulk (DMB) lounging dreamily upon a couch of indigo moss (daytime) / seeping under the door of the cottage of 2 Moss Dwarf (DMB) (nighttime), who cower fearfully, attempt to flee up the chimney, and call for help if they realise someone is out there.

    Moss Dwarfs:

    • Gwomotom
    • Gwedim
  2. 7 Bog Zombie (DMB) fleeing from a solitary Friar (DMB), who is stuck up to her waist in quicksand. Her holy symbol has repelled the zombies, for now. She came to read psalms to the moss dwarves.


    • Gertwinne
  3. 9 Moss Dwarf (DMB) feverishly digging up a standing stone which they believe is blighting the fungi in the region. The stone is a shard of black ice jutting out of a stream and is muttering what sounds like an incantation: actually the true name of Gheillough, the stone being conjured by the dreaming god. No matter how deep they dig, the stream freezes to keep the shard in place.

    Dwarf Foreman:

    • Loblow
  4. 5 Brainconk (DMB) hidden in the treetops, nearby the corpse of a rider and horse lie in a ditch, their brains sucked out through small holes in their skulls. The well-fed brainconks giggle when spotted.

  5. 3 Redslob (DMB) submerged in a pool of clear sparkling water purging themselves of accumulated debris: the water looks red and full of bones and gems until disturbed, which triggers the redslob attack.


    • 10gp gem (quartz)
    • 50gp gem (ruby)
  6. 7 Moss Dwarf (DMB) gathering the plentiful mushrooms of a quiet grove. They will engage the characters in friendly conversation, and share their mushrooms and beer.

    Dwarf Leader:

    • Wobobold


  1. 1 Snail, Giant–Rapacious (DMB)—with 1’-wide eyes with dozens of independently mobile pupils—laying hundreds of large eggs over the slimy boulders of a small stream. Regenerates health, its body visibly repairing itself, each round.

  2. 25 Goatfolk–Crookhorn (DMB) cavorting and prancing around to abominable trumpets and pipes in a freshly-burnt clearing. In the centre of the clearing is a poorly-made wooden statue of a unicorn, smeared in blood and gore. 8 Harpy (OSE) are tormenting captured prisoners (5 Normal Human–Lost Soul (DMB)), occasionally killing one and bleeding them out over the statue. The Crookhorns are utterly drunk (-2 to attack rolls & saving throws).

    Hapless Victims:

    • Jappser Dregger
    • Agnel Tolmen
    • Jymer Sunderman
    • Lisabeth Sunderman
    • Guillem Crumwaller


    • 4000ep
    • Dagger, +2 Succoring
  3. 7 Harpy (OSE) washing bloodstained friar robes in a stream.

  4. 16 Zombie (OSE) tending to a Drune cottage, long abandoned. They will immediately attack anyone who enters without knocking on the door and waiting for it to be opened.


    • Cursed Scroll: if read in the cottage, makes the zombies turn hostile; otherwise summons 6 hostile Brambling (DMB)
    • Scroll of Water Breathing
    • Treasure Map: XII (23,000gp)
    • Scroll of 3 Spells: Wraithform
  5. 1 Centaur–Bestial (DMB)—with fronds of writing snake-like hair upon its head—lounging beside a bloodied stream chewing on the uncooked limbs of a party of travellers (several humans and a grimalkin), outside its cave-lair, which it decks with sculptures of mud, bone, and viscera.

    The party hear the screams of the latest victim, a scout of House Harrowmoor, but he is dead when they arrive.


    • Goat-horn dagger (chaotic item)
    • 26sp
    • Holy +2 Disrupting flanged mace
  6. Ataunwe (DCB), at the centre of a mighty conflagration of chaotic magic. It sees the PCs and smiles before disappearing. The surrounding area is blackened and charred, but also chaotically corrupted: trees made of meat, purple grass, sun is blue and sky is yellow only within that area, etc.

Northern Scratch

  1. 1 Gloam (DMB)—in human form, bleeding incessantly from its eyes—leading two barefoot children by the hand, snatched from Fort Vulgar a few days previously.

    Charmed Children:

    • Payton
    • Lyndal
  2. 4 Musk Boar (DCB) rooting around a series of fecund, multi-hued moss mounds lined up beside a ditch. A Troll (DMB) (with two heads) approaches cautiously, angered at the defilement of its moss garden.

  3. 10 Marsh Lantern (DMB)—with the smiling innocent faces of children—flitting in and out of the underwater doors and windows of a submerged cottage, only its algae-soaked thatch and leaning chimney protruding from the water.

    Rotted bloated corpses of drowning victims, rusted equipment, and glinting coins fill the bottom of the ditch.


    • 3000ep
    • 5000cp
  4. 1 Gloam (DMB)–hovering ominously a few inches above the ground—inspecting the wares of a terrified Normal Human–Pedlar (DMB), taking especial interest in the collection of stuffed animals.

    Terrified Pedlar:

    • Breagle Cormick
  5. 1 Spectre (OSE) guarding a crumbling tower, full of rotten furniture and a chest in the submerged basement.


    • 4000sp
  6. 5 Witch Owl (DMB) perched atop a decaying signpost, heads turned away.

Table Downs

  1. 4 Purple Worm (OSE) hidden inside a giant burrow, their arrival heralded by tremors.

  2. 1 Normal Human–Lost Soul (DMB)—a frail old man who looks half dead—claims to have died, gone to Purgatory, and then escaped back to the land of the living. But can’t remember how. In any case, he somehow arrived here rather than back home in Odd, and needs help.

    Dead(?) man:

    • Clewyd Gruewater
  3. 8 Ghoul (OSE)—thin, emaciated, looking like victims of starvation until you’re close enough to make out the animalistic face—wandering around looking for fire and warmth.

  4. 1 Banshee (DMB)—with a scent of ancient floral perfumes—closing in on a lone Friar (DMB), quaking behind a tree, holy symbol held forth.

    Hungry Banshee:

    • Shards-of-Dusk-Mirror

    Terrified Friar:

    • Josprey
  5. 1 Doggelganger (OSE) in a little camp, asleep. In the guise of a pedlar, but the story doesn’t quite add up: he doesn’t know what his goods are, or their prices, and asks where the PCs think the best place for him to sell his wares is. Also, there is food and tack for a horse, but no horse.

    Assumed Identity:

    • Hugh Mann


    • 16gp

    Trade Goods:

    • 7x Burglar’s Blend
    • 13x Scrabey’s Hair
  6. 11 Goatfolk–Crookhorn (DMB) attacking a merchant caravan and their 5 guards (level 1 Fighter (OSE)). The caravan is heading back north after a successful journey to Dolmenwood.


    • Arthwit Glass
    • Lillith Glass


    • 3000gp
    • 500pp

    Trade Goods:

    • 15x cask Titheland Cider
    • 25x cask Keye’s Balm
    • 10x Crushed Sprite–Yellow
    • 3x Deorling–Stag sword


  1. 1 Scrabey (DMB) lying listless by the roadside, drunk on mushroom ale, their wares strewn behind them. Drunkenly barters with passers-by, addressing everyone as “spontywiff”.

    Trade Goods:

    • 10x Fairy Fruits
    • 3x Bedroll (he’s sprawled out on one)
    • 1x Alchemical Tonic
  2. 2 Grimalkin (DMB)—snacking on a seemingly limitless supply of pickled rats—skinning a Mogglewomp (DMB) next to a cosy wee cottage which is completely hollow (no interior walls).


    • Tomkin Milktongue
    • Moggle Grinser
  3. 10 Griffon (OSE) carrying off an unfortunate farmer’s livestock. The farmer runs around yelling ineffectually, and says that the Duke should “do something”.


    • Rogbert Dunwallow
  4. 10 Goblin (DMB)—of all shapes and traits—arguing with 4 Scrabey (DMB) over the value of a sack of Sclubber’s Twist the Scrabeys have for sale, the Goblins want to trade it for a trio of dewy peaches (Fairy Fruits).

  5. 19 Normal Human–Pilgrim (DMB)—flagellants—on their way to the Church of St Waylaine in Prigwort.

    Lead Pilgrim:

    • Dimothy Dregger
  6. 3 Friar (DMB) in a small glade with 11 Pook Morel (DMB), one Friar sat on a mossy boulder reading sermons.


    • Sacristian (giving a sermon)
    • Gondilian (heavily overweight, bottles of ale around his neck)
    • Joremy (laden with elaborate cast-iron cooking gear)

Valley of Wise Beasts

  1. 7 Cobbin (DMB)—2x badger, 3x rabbit, 2x squirrel—sitting exhausted by a stream, their cheery little clothes torn and tattered, cleaning nasty-looking wounds sustained when escaping crookhorn custody. The wounds will soon prove fatal without proper care. One of the rabbits is nervously smoking a long pipe.

  2. 20 Goatfolk–Crookhorn (DMB) charging after a Unicorn (OSE), carrying flaming brands and a wickedly spiked iron bridle and bit.

  3. 8 Cobbin (DMB)—mice—picknicking in a pleasant sunny glade, checkered blanket laden with cheeses, pastries, pickled eggs, and lashings of ginger beer.

  4. 40 Sprite–Pink (DMB) hiden in the trees, toying with a Goatfolk–Crookhorn (DMB) armed with a butterfly net.

  5. 4 Normal Human–Lost Soul (DMB) speaking in a fairly old-fashioned dialect (grandparent-like), who were on a pilgrimage from Castle Brackenwold to the Abbey of St Clewyd, and got lost. They have no idea where they are, and the talking animals are kind of scary. They wandered into Fairy 100 years ago and only recently returned.

    Time-Displaced Pilgrims:

    • Wulfstan Spelman
    • Alan Bartelot
    • Thorkel Makepiece
    • Harald Lank
  6. 17 Goatfolk–Crookhorn (DMB) in the cellars of a mossy ruin stuffed with rotting furnishings. a Drune–Cottager (DMB) is held prisoner. The leader, a tall crookhorn, with one eye milky white and oozing, being ordered by a Harpy (OSE) to bring “the prisoner” to “the Court”.

    Hapless Drune:

    • Mirroddor Canker